To say that the effects of climate change are brutal would be a vast understatement. The forests are burning, the polar ice caps are melting, and coral reefs are dying. Add to that the fact that the world is currently fighting against multiple lethal strains of the coronavirus in the ongoing pandemic.

With so much happening all at once, it can make anyone feel small and helpless because no one can do anything to stop the natural disasters from occurring one after the other. But although the future is bleak and there’s no sign of a silver lining yet, humanity needs to keep going.

After all, one can only go up if they’ve hit rock bottom. Or, in this case, to move forward and hope for the best. Besides, even though most individuals can’t do much to solve the world’s problems on a global scale, there are small things that they can do for the earth.

For instance, you can start practicing sustainability inside your home. As mentioned, it might not make much of a difference on a large scale but doing something is still better than doing nothing. So, if you’re itching to make your contribution in saving Mother Earth, here are three practices you can do:

Renewable Energy Sources

Electricity production is the second largest contributor of carbon emissions, next to the transportation industry. You need to know this because electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal, which then creates carbon emissions that combine with the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The total amount of greenhouse gases is collectively known as carbon footprint, including all the emissions from human activity. This means that every time you use electricity, you’re contributing to the world’s carbon footprint. But fortunately, it’s not too late for you to reduce your carbon footprint.

Since fossil fuels aren’t the only energy sources, you can look into the different kinds of renewable energy that you can use to power your home. Solar power, which is energy that’s harnessed from the sun, is the most common renewable energy source used in many modern homes. Other renewable energy sources include geothermal, wind, hydropower, or even biofuel, although they are less commonly used for houses.

Like other homeowners, you can take advantage of the sun’s power by having your own panel system installed. Of course, you’ll need to find a company with solar panels for sale and have them installed on your roof. But once everything is set, you’ll be free to enjoy the benefits of using a renewable energy source.

Smart Devices and Automation

Many people aren’t fond of smart homes because they believe that smart devices make their owners lazy. But that’s only one way to look at it because from another angle, having a smart home may be seen as being creative and resourceful. This is because smart devices allow homeowners to save energy both in their bodies and in their houses.

You might wonder how that’s possible, given that you will still need to use electricity to power the smart devices. Well, for starters, automating the processes inside your home will make sure that you never leave a light, television, or household appliance open ever again, especially when no one’s using it.

By using smart plugs on your electrical outlets, you can avoid wasting vampire energy, which is electricity that’s being used simply because you didn’t unplug an appliance. Reducing your energy consumption will lower your electrical bills and help you save more money in the long run.

Household Insulation

The HVAC system is one of the biggest energy eaters inside an uninsulated house. This is because, without insulation, outside air will continue to seep through the cracks in the foundation and the gaps in the walls. And that’s why you must consider insulating your entire house to reduce your energy use.

By properly insulating your walls, doors, windows, roof, and floors, you’ll be able to maintain the internal temperature of your home much better. The HVAC system consumes so much energy because it has to work double-time to fight against the outside elements.

For example, if it’s snowing hard outside, then your HVAC system will work twice as hard to keep your house warm. That’s also the case if it’s scorching outside because the HVAC system will need to cool your spaces. But if you had insulation, your house would have another layer of defense against the elements.

Through these sustainable practices, you’ll be able to control your energy consumption and only use what is necessary. Your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint and save the environment may be small, but it’s better than being apathetic while the entire world is burning right in front of you.

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