Since the COVID-19 outbreak in March of last year, many companies have adopted the work-from-home (WFH) policy. This mandatory policy is in response to the global institution’s mandate to curb the spread of the SARS-COV-2 and further stop the COVID-19 infection. 

Many remote employees have complied with the WFH setup. When asked if they want to get back to the office, 61 percent prefer to work remotely for good. It appears that WFH may define the future of the global business landscape. For this reason, it’s a practical idea to create a WFH setup. If you’re a remote employee or a freelancer working remotely for the long term, you may need to set up a home office.

Fret not, as we’ve rounded up some basic tips for you. Here’s how to set up a WFH office during this pandemic:

  1. Choose a dedicated space or room

The initial step to take is to select a particular area at home for work. For the most part, you’ll choose a dedicated space in your bedroom or have a separate room exclusively for working. 

Choosing a dedicated space or room is crucial to your WFH. It will determine your focus, efficiency, and overall productivity. For this reason, opt for a certain part of your house with less distraction and a good ambiance. This means minimal noises, no entertainment modes, no sun’s glare, and fewer family members passing by.

  1. Set the layout and arrange furniture

Once you’ve chosen the perfect space for working, start setting the layout of your workspace. In most cases, your WFH office will just be a small space or room. You’ll also need some furniture pieces such as a desk, table, chair, or bookshelf.

When it comes to furniture pieces, opt for ergonomic ones so that you’ll be comfortable. Be sure to invest in a unique desk, a comfortable chair, and a stable bookshelf. Plan how to position these furniture pieces, as the home office layout will make a difference in your work.

  1. Invest in personal devices, tools, and resources

Your WFH home office won’t be complete without your primary device, equipment, and supplies. As far as the personal device is concerned, choose between a personal computer or a laptop. While it’s all up to you, a far more important consideration is its specs. These computer specs must be able to meet the demands of your job.

Other important equipment pieces include an external drive, mechanical keyboard, mouse, camera, and headset. You may also need a docking station, a surge protector, or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Lastly, consider having some office supplies such as calendars, papers, notepads, and pens, among many others.

  1. Ensure proper lighting

Creating the perfect atmosphere for working is crucial to your WFH setup. Why? It will set your mood, impact your comfort level, and determine your work output. The key here is to have proper lighting. That is when task lighting comes into play.

Task lighting is exactly what it sounds like. It entails installing light fixtures to help you carry out tasks like reading, writing, encoding, or studying. A few examples of these fixtures are desk lamps, pendant lights, and recessed lights. Be sure to invest in the right fixtures to help you become more productive.

  1. Put some home decors

A house won’t be complete without home decorations. This applies to your WFH office as well. Of course, these decors and accessories will depend on what you want to achieve. You can have wall decors with an inspiring statement, a decorative lamp, or roller blinds for your home office windows.

That said, be sure to have a central theme for your home office. All the design elements must revolve around this theme. The rule of thumb here is to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality. But ultimately, they must not distract you but make you even more productive.

  1. Have some indoor plants

Did you know that indoor planting has become all the rage during the pandemic? As such, you may want to consider having indoor plants around your home office. These may be shrubs with blooms, herbs, veggies, and even fruits.

There are a handful of benefits that come with indoor plants. Not only are they good for your health, but they also reduce your stress and help improve your focus. With plants around, you can boost your overall productivity.

At this point, you now know how to set up a WFH office. All it takes is to choose a dedicated space, set the layout, and invest in resources. Also, ensure proper lighting, put home decors, and have indoor plants. Ultimately, all these will create an ideal space that’s conducive to working.


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