Do you notice any birds hovering around your home? If you do, then you may want to consider applying preventative measures to get rid of them. Or you can call a residential and commercial bird removal service company for a more extensive process. See, some birds are considered pests, which you wouldn’t want anywhere near your family. 

While they may seem harmless, birds become a great concern when they start occupying and nesting an area. This is because a single bird can quickly turn into an infestation and before you know it, your home has become their sanctuary. And their presence can greatly affect your family’s health and hygiene. 

To help you understand better, here are all the ways bird pests can impact your home hygiene. 

1. Bird Can Cause Fouling

Bird droppings can be very irritating even more so when they always seem to end up on your freshly washed car. But more than just being annoying, bird droppings can create a very unhygienic and unsafe environment for you and your family. Fouling, or when the droppings build up, can cause surfaces to get slippery when wet. This can cause falls and accidents, which may lead you to the hospital.

2. Birds Can Attract Other Pests

When birds infiltrate your home, they can attract many pests as well. Their nests and droppings provide the perfect place for pests such as insects, snakes, and rodents to thrive. Not only do these pests create an unfavorable environment for you but they can also cause you diseases. 

3. Birds Carry Parasites

Birds can carry parasites, including ticks, bed bugs, yellow mealworms, lice, the West Nile virus, and more. In fact, there are about 50 kinds of ectoparasites that are known to live on birds, particularly on their skin. They can quickly infest your home, transfer to humans, and put your health at risk.

4. Birds Can Affect Indoor Air Quality

A good indoor air quality allows you to breathe better and live healthier. However, it can easily be contaminated by birds as soon as they start nesting in your home. Their droppings and feathers have bacteria, fungi, and other organic matters that can seep through your ventilation system. Not only would this be an inconvenience but it can also cause harm once inhaled. 

5. Birds Can Cause Diseases

Birds are known to cause diseases, which is perhaps the main reason to get rid of them in your home. Their droppings, nests, urine, secretions, and feathers can contain various types of viruses, parasites, and bacteria. Coming in contact or just being near them can make you prone to diseases. 

There are around 60 diseases associated with birds and their droppings, which are all transmissible to humans. So by having such pests near your home, you are putting yourself and your family at more risk than you may have realized. Here are some of the most common diseases that birds can transfer to people:

  • Allergic Alveolitis: Also known as “Pigeon Lung Disease”, this can happen to anyone who inhales particles of bird dander. This disease can decrease the lung’s functionality, resulting in difficulty in breathing. 
  • Avian Influenza: Also known as the “Bird Flu”, this virus is transmitted to humans through an infected bird’s droppings. It can cause more severe symptoms than your typical flu such as cough, muscle aches, high fever, and respiratory difficulties. In worse cases, it can also cause death. 
  • E.coli: This infection can happen when you eat food or drink water that has already been contaminated by bird feces. Gross, right? But this can happen anytime when you have birds around your home. While most E.coli are harmless, some can cause vomiting, abdominal cramps, and bloody diarrhea. 

And there you have it! Remember, keep your home and family safe by keeping bird pests away. If you need help doing that, contact the nearest residential and commercial bird removal service near you. 


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